Investigation Services
Missing Persons
Pet Search & Rescues
We are also available to help in finding missing, lost, or stolen pets.
Contact us for more information on how we can help with your Missing Persons or Locations case.
Education & Knowledge
Missing Persons
There are a few types of Missing Persons, those who have disappeared, seemingly for no reason and leaving no trace of their whereabouts, those with an apparent motive for their disappearance, such as avoidance of legal actions or debt obligations, and those who are unaware that someone is even looking for them, such as a person with an unknown inheritance.
Whatever the situation may be, Direct Focus is successful at locating missing persons and returning them to their families or to meet their lawful obligations. We use in-house tactics, methods, and experience that have proven to bring favorable results to our clients. The information we uncover reveals the individuals location, and in many cases the situation surrounding their disappearance. Armed with this knowledge and evidence, you can then move forward to pursue legal action or speak with the missing person about their return or obligations.
It can be difficult, so we are here to help.
Our services include:
- Process Services
- Skip-tracing (locating the person’s whereabouts)
- Pet Search & Rescue
- Certified Trailing Bloodhounds
Confidential & Experienced
Process Services
We are successful at locating and serving court documents and subpoenas to witnesses and defendants who are deliberately trying to hide.
Often called upon when a Process Server is not able to complete their assignment, with our investigative training, we use specialized methods to locate the person so they can be served.
Experienced & Reliable
Skip Trace Investigations
A Skip Trace is an investigative technique that helps find individuals who are deliberately attempting to avoid detection.
Most commonly, we are called upon after all other efforts of trying to locate the person have been exhausted.
Skip trace investigation cases include:
- Locating defendants who have missed court appearances or skipped bail
- Finding a current address for a family member in order to serve family court legal documents (child support, divorce, etc.)
- Locating a debtor who has defaulted on payments
- Finding an individual to inform them about assets or an inheritance
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(800) 381-6052